Conferință online în cadrul Proiectului Adele-RS: Conservarea și restaurarea patrimoniului cultural. Noi perspective europene
Descarcă programul conferinței (pdf)
Adele-RS is a Project funded by the Erasmus+ Program in the VET-KA2020 measure carried out by nine organizations from four European countries (Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Romania). The Project, which ends at the end of June 2024, has as its promoter/coordinator the “Art and Faith” Association of Gerace (RC) and has the general purpose of “Developing an innovative e-Learning and Smart-Working system that allows to carry out advanced training interventions and distance internships for the specialization of graduates in the fields of restoration and conservation of cultural heritage, aimed at guaranteeing them: the consolidation of their professional skills and knowledge; the acquisition of advanced restoration techniques and cataloguing of specific types of cultural heritage; participation in a broad practice community at European level; learning of a sectorial language in the field of advanced Cultural Heritage; a smoother approach to the world of work”. The Project aims to promote the digital transition in Europe of the Restoration, Conservation and Enhancement of Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage through a holistic approach that addresses in an integrated way both the issue of specialization of sectoral skills and that of transversal skills and in this way provide those who work in the sector both advanced specialist skills able to identify digital solutions in working practice, and transversal skills in learning and work based on an advanced use of ICT. The target of the project is made up of graduates in disciplines such as: Archival-History of Art, Diagnostics, Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Restoration, Restoration Assistance.